Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hermit Mountains: Chinese Skyscrapers

Via designboom, take a look at this interesting skyscraper design. Here's a quote from their article:

this structure draws its form from various sources including classical chinese landscape paintings of the lijiang river, the natural environment and the culture of local ethnic groups. the design goal was to find a balance between the rapid urban development and landscape protection within the city of lijang. the daily activities of the local ethnic groups, which include farming, mountaineering and meditating was taken into consideration in various aspects of the skyscraper design. this is evident in the meditation terraces, housing units, recreational parks and agricultural fields which are all housed within these structural towers. 

The concept art reminds me of story boards from a sci-fi movie, and it's a fascinating take on the growing trend towards making our man-made structures fit into the natural world a little more smoothly, with fewer obvious, gaping seams.

-Jason Reimer

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